Horsewears for what your horse wears!
Horsewears is a woman owned horse blanket laundry and repair business based out of Oregon City, Oregon. We service the Portland, Oregon metro area, as well as have customers driving from Onalaska, WA and Gray’s Harbor, WA. Our customers in California, Idaho and Arizona ship their blankets to us.
Only the best for your horse
Horses need clean blankets
Horsewears is a home based operation geared to maintain the investment you have in your horse’s protection from the elements. We provide laundry service for machine washable items. Our repair facilities have an extensive fabric selection and fittings to accommodate simple to complex repairs. We are not limited to horse blankets and can wash/repair many different animal and recreational items. We use commercial products that are environmentally safe and appropriate for all fabric types.
Services for equestrians and their horses
The best blanket isn’t the most expensive or any particular brand - the best blanket fits your animal, budget, and environmental needs. Keeping it clean and in good repair can maximize your investment and your horse’s health.
Blanket wash
Other Services

WE give back to the community
We accept unwanted blankets in good condition that will be washed and re-purposed. These blankets are made free of charge to organizations dedicated to helping animals. We support SEO (Sound Equine Options), Oregon Donkey Rescue, Meow Village, Zeb’s Wish, to name a few.